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Simply Zero無添加有機植物蛋白素

Best before Jun 2024


***其他亞洲地區 購物超過港幣800元可享免費送貨***

Simply Zero 無添加有機植物蛋白素 不含乳化劑、防腐劑、糖、或代糖,全天然無添加植物配方。加拿大有機認證,信心的保證。 適合以下人士:🌱素食者及純素者🌱增肌減脂人士、及運動愛好者🌱出現肌肉流失或體弱長者 創辦人為專欄作家、六本暢銷著作作者、加拿大註冊營養師曾欣欣。欣欣選擇了兩款植物蛋白,豌豆蛋白及糙米蛋白,作為主要配方。其實原本豌豆蛋白已經足夠,她選擇增添糙米蛋白,原因是由於豌豆蛋白其中一款必須胺基酸含量(蛋氨酸methionine)較低,為了蛋白粉能提供全部9款必須胺基酸(essential amino acids),欣欣增添了糙米蛋白,以便產品能夠成為完全蛋白(complete protein)。每一殼Simply Zero蛋白素提供16克蛋白質,適合素食者及增肌減脂人士。

---Free Shipping in Hong Kong over HK $50!

***Free shipping to other locations in Asia for purchase over HK $800 ***

Simply Zero Organic Vegan Protein Powder Zero additives, zero preservatives. A certified organic plant-based protein powder with all natural ingredients. No emulsifiers No gum No artificial flavors No preservatives No Junk, Simply Zero. Certified Organic Formulated by Gloria Tsang, a dietitian, vegetarian, natural food lover, bestselling book author and newspaper columnist on clean eating.

Simply Zero Organic Vegan Protein 無添加有機植物蛋白素

  • 有機豌豆蛋白,有機糙米蛋白,有機苜蓿草,有機菠菜,有機西蘭花,有機羽衣甘藍

    Organic Pea Protein, Organic Brown Rice Protein, Organic Alfalfa Grass, Organic Spinach, Organic Broccoli, Organic Kale

  • Simply Zero 無添加有機蛋白素可以多用途!跟其他蛋白粉不一樣,Simply Zero並沒有乳化劑、代糖、及其他化學添加劑,所以食用Simply Zero蛋白素跟食用其他食物無異。你可以直接加入飲品、代替麵粉做窩夫及鬆餅、亦可以加入湯水及糖水一起煮。






    用Simply Zero有機蛋白素代替部分麵粉,以提高蛋白質含量。









    There are many ways to enjoy and incorporate Simply Zero organic vegan protein powder into your meals. Unlike other protein powder with emulsifiers, sweeteners, and other artificial ingredients, Simply Zero contains no artificial additives. Therefore you can prepare it just like foods; it can be enjoyed in smoothie, baked in pancakes or muffins, or cooked in warm creamy soup.


    Simply Blend

    • Add a scoop in your favorite smoothie recipe.


    Simply Bake

    • Replace a portion of your flour with Simply Zero Protein for a protein boost. 


    Simply Shake

    • Mix a scoop in your favorite plant milk.


    For more recipe inspirations, check our

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